
Strengthening community-led wildlife conservation in Tanzania.



Many of Tanzania’s giraffes, elephants and leopards live outside its national parks, often on land owned or managed by local communities. To ensure that wildlife and people can both thrive in these shared spaces, the government has created so-called Wildlife Management Areas, where villages set land aside for conservation. In return, communities receive revenues that will help them improve their livelihoods. While this approach has had a positive impact on most wildlife populations, it has been less successful in improving the lives of the local people. This threatens its long-term viability since communities may have less incentive to conserve these natural habitats and decide to convert the land into farms instead.

Honeyguide Foundation response

Driven by a deep conviction that conservation must be led by and deliver real benefits for local communities, Cartier for Nature’s Tanzanian partner organisation Honeyguide Foundation has set out to strengthen and improve the country’s Wildlife Management Area model. Since 2017, it has provided training, capital investment and a set of tools to strengthen the local governance and management of two such conservation areas with encouraging results. Over just three years, one of its pilot sites saw poaching decrease by 94% and crop damage by elephants fall 90%, while annual revenue grew tenfold. Now, with Cartier for Nature’s support, Honeyguide Foundation is taking its successful model and scaling this up to at least 10 more Wildlife Management Areas across Tanzania to help people and wildlife thrive for generations to come.

Supported since

January 2023