
Restoring a vital bird sanctuary and strengthening local livelihoods.



The Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary in Cambodia harbours an abundance of wildlife, including five critically endangered bird species. Yet this irreplaceable natural treasure is under threat. Many of Siem Pang’s native species, including elephants, tigers and large herds of wild cattle, have already disappeared from the ecosystem due to poaching and other harmful human activities. Their absence has altered the landscape, with negative impacts for the animals that remain. For instance, without large mammals grazing and creating forest clearings, many seasonal waterholes and wet meadows are gradually becoming overgrown and inaccessible, putting both wildlife and local people at risk.

Rising Phoenix's response

With Cartier for Nature’s support, Rising Phoenix is restoring forests and key water sources in Siem Pang, while also bringing back important lost species that play a key role in the ecosystem’s natural processes. To secure the buy-in of local communities, Rising Phoenix helps families grow and sell organic, wildlife-friendly “Ibis rice” at a premium to generate a sustainable income. Participating farmers agree not to hunt or cut wood in the Sanctuary and take part in ecosystem restoration activities.

Supported since

January 2023